Carclin Foam Multiplus is a highly foaming, phosphate-free alkaline cleaning agent with a neutralising effect for cars, trucks, and other heavy vehicles.
With extra foaming power and suitable for hard water, this product is everything you need to clean painted, plastic, and glass surfaces of cars and trucks. Carclin Foam MultiPlus also does its job when cleaning tarpaulins and trailers with plastic box trailers.
The superior and efficient cleaning ensures a clean and brightly gleaming result. This product helps separate the oil in the waste water and to neutralise the waste water.
Free of phosphates and EDTA. Suitable for hard water.
Please read the label and the product information before use. You can find more safety information on the Safety Information Sheet Carclin Foam MultiPlus. For your personal protection, always take safety precautions when you use cleaning agents. Your supplier can give you more information. Immediately contact a doctor in case of emergency.
Please read the label and the product information before use. You can find more safety information on the Safety Information Sheet Carclin Foam MultiPlus. For your personal protection, always take safety precautions when you use cleaning agents. Your supplier can give you more information. Immediately contact a doctor in case of emergency.